Session led by Franz Fischer (Ca’ Foscari), Paolo Monella (Sapienza University of Rome), Holger Essler (Ca’ Foscari), Tiziana Mancinelli (Ca’ Foscari; ICDP Digital Library).
Ci commence li livres du graunt Caam qui parole de la graunt Ermenie de Persse. et des Tartars et d’Ynde. | Here begins the book of the Great Khan, which talks about the great Armenia, Persia, the Tartars and India, |
Et des granz merveille qui p(ar) le monde sont. | and the great wonders that exist in the world. |
POur sauoir la pure verité des diuerses regions du monde. | To know the pure truth about the different regions of the world |
Si prenez cest livre si trouverez les grandesimes merueilles qui so(n)t escriptes en la Grant Hermenie et de Persse. | take this book, and you will find the great wonders that are written on Greater Armenia and Persia |
Et des Tartars. (et) d’Ynde et de maintes autres provinces. | and the Tartars and on India and on many other provinces, |
Si comme n(ost)re livres vous contera tout par ordre des que mesires Marc Pol sajes et nobles citoie(n)s de Venice raconte pour ce que il les vit. | as Sir Marco Polo will tell you in order of what sir Marco Polo saw and (other) noble citizens of Venice tell because he saw them. |